Memorial Day - Kick off to the BEST SUMMER EVER!!

Get creative and plan the BEST summer ever!! While we are being encouraged to engage in social distancing during this time, there's nothing stopping you from getting out, getting a little fresh air, and safely seeing the beauty of Cape Cod.

Many experts recommend that we get outside and get some fresh air when we can, as long as we avoid contact with shared surfaces, like playgrounds and park benches, and with each other. Beachgoers are advised to follow the 10-person group limit and six-foot social distancing recommendations set forth by the state and CDC guidelines. This means we are going to have to spread out.

Beachin it tips

  1. Bring an umbrella! You might not be able to get the sweet spot next to the water. This means you may have to sit further back, and it can get HOT! Bring an umbrella or a chair with a cover so you can get some shade when it heats up.

  2. Find a new fav spot! There are over 100 beaches on Cape Cod, yet we all seem to crowd in one area. Craigville beach is one of my favorite beaches. I love the sand, warmer water on the sound, and people watching. This year try Long Beach. It is a huge beach on both sides of a long peninsula. This is a great spot for families with young and older kids. Long Beach has a massive amount of room and a spectacular view. A boardwalk leading from the end of Long Beach Road splits off in three directions, each leading to a different beach area. You may not get a parking spot in the limited area, but it is a short stroll west of Craigville!

  3. Pack your lunch! We all love a snack from the snack bar, but to be safe, pack your snacks and lunch for the beach this year. If lines are long and the snack area is crowded it might not be possible to safely stay distant. This is where your mask will be needed. However, if you have your lunch, you won’t have to worry about standing in lines or a crowded lunch area. This doesn’t mean you have to avoid the snack bar, just keep your eyes open and grab something when the crowds are low.

  4. Dinner at the beach! While we are unable to go enjoy a meal in some of our favorite restaurants, we can still support many of these local establishments by getting our food-to-go. Most offer curbside pick-up to fully minimize personal contact. Grab your dinner, a sweatshirt, and head to your favorite beach! Having a pizza at Sandy Neck is a popular option. You can have a fire, spread out, bring your music, and have the best summer evening ever!


If you are visiting Cape Cod, please visit Covid-19 on Cape Cod - Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce.

This year is predicted to be a muted summer on Cape Cod. This means fewer crowds, and we have to get creative with our summer activities. Let’s make this the best summer ever! If you have a creative idea that you would like to share, send us an email at or fill out the form below: