Goodbye Summer Doesn’t Mean Goodbye Color!

You know that feeling, the wind blows a little cooler, the sun sets a little sooner, and your surroundings become a little quieter.  Fall is on its way.  Sure, there may be fewer beach marathons and late-night ice cream trips, but there is still so much to see!  While you’re taking an evening stroll, try pausing and looking around at some of the fall annuals and late bloomers popping up in your neighbors’ gardens.  


Those little white flowers with the yellow center and big green leaves all clustered together are most likely Montauk daisies, and they’re just coming into their full bloom!  Enjoy the sweet scent of the final flush put out by knock out roses, or snap a quick photo of someone’s brilliant dahlia flowers.  As autumn settles in, you may notice tender clusters of ornamental kale or perhaps puffs of delicate mums nestled into window boxes.  Here on the Cape, we have a habit of obsessing over our yards.  

We want everything to burst with color all the time, and the prime growing season coming to a close is no excuse!  Local nurseries like Agway of Cape Cod, located in South Dennis, Chatham, and Orleans, Hart Farm, located in Dennisport, and Crocker Nurseries in Brewster have tons of options to satisfy a whole range of gardeners, from the inexperienced but appreciative newbie to the most particular master gardener.  Whatsmore, these nurseries are filled with friendly, knowledgeable staff members who are more than happy to help you find exactly what you need to turn your yard into an autumnal spectacle. 

COVID Rules: All nurseries require face masks and a minimum of six feet distance between customers. Additional regulations are posted at the entrances to the individual nurseries, and customers are expected to abide by any warnings issued by nursery staff.

Author - Emma Crowell

Author - Emma Crowell


The First of Many--it’s Decorating Time!


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