How to Plant a Fabulous Cape Cod Fairy Garden
Planting a tiny garden is a magical experience. A simple internet search will reveal many elaborate fairy garden ideas, however, they don't have to be complicated. Here's an easy tutorial for a project you can do in an afternoon.
Choose your planter or a small sunny location in your backyard.
A planter for your garden can be anything from a large saucer to a basket lined with plastic. It should be at least a couple of inches deep and wide enough to put you a fairy house, pathway, and a few tiny plants.
Purchase or find plants
Cruise your local nursery (like Country Garden in Hyannis) for plants in miniature. Find plants that speak to you. Plants labeled as "ground cover" such as moss, ferns, and grasses work best.
Because you're creating a tiny garden, most four-inch pots of greenery will yield four separate plants. Be sure to pick a variety of heights and textures. While in the garden section, grab a bag of potting soil and a bag of gravel.
Moss can be found in your backyard or your nearest estuary. Bring a shovel and bucket on your next marsh/estuary walk.
Find or buy accessories
You can create a house, use a castle meant for an aquarium, or include an old wooden birdhouse from the craft store. Use your imagination! Create a path to lead your fairy home. Use colorful rocks, shells from your driveway, gravel, or even tiny ceramic tiles. A small scallop seashell, a fancy soap dish, makes for a perfect pond if you want one. Or build around an old birdbath for an “on-the-pond” home. Small rocks can be fairy seats, and a sprig of pine becomes a tree. Scavenge the beach for small finds that could work as furniture.
Create your fairy garden
Prepare your garden by lining the planter with gravel, if it doesn't contain drainage holes. Add the potting soil. Since everything in your garden will be mini, it's a good idea to divide your plants. Simply remove them from the plastic pots and use a sharp knife to cut each into fourths. Place the house, set the plants, and add any accessories. Rearrange everything until you have it just right. Plant the greenery and water lightly. Afterward, add the house and create a path to the front door. Last, put in your other accessories.
Once finished, you should have a perfect world for a fairy to call home!