It’s the Little Things

It’s the Little Things

Nothing like the smell of fresh blossoms, a few consecutive days of sunshine, and the beginnings of a tan to lift the spirits up! It seems like only yesterday we were bundling up head to toe in winter gear to brave the elements all so that the dog could relieve himself. A peek at the upcoming forecast, however, assures that those days are behind us, which means it’s time to start planning for summer!

During the past year, hardships seemed to be pretty much universal, with people from all walks of life experiencing unprecedented challenges in unexpected areas of their lives. However, the increasing availability of COVID vaccinations, along with the sudden transformation of the weather finally presents the opportunity to enjoy daily life again. Already, spring has brought some truly magnificent specimens into view. Waves of blossoms have swept across people’s yards in eye-catching displays of beautiful color.

During these past couple of months, yellows, pinks, purples, and whites have each taken their turn gathering admiration from observers passing by. The trees cast down brilliant greens that emanate from their freshly unfurled leaves, and the sun dwindles longer on the horizon as day submits to dusk. Graduations draw near, as do weddings and vacations.

Amidst all of these dramatic and exciting changes, however, try to pause, if only briefly, to recognize and appreciate the magnificent world that surrounds all of us daily. Think of how far we have come, and how full our futures are. Let’s make the most of the warm weather and share some smiles this summer!

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