Since the gift checklist I created was so popular I decided to make another one! I made a Gift Tracker List that is a bit more simplified. Now that we are approaching the final days before Christmas I needed to organize what I have actually gotten everyone if it’s been wrapped yet (nothing has been wrapped yet, I m not THAT good), and what else I need to get.
Download Printable HERE: GIFT CHECKLIST
Open Google Sheets Here (select “make a copy): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1P_PlxWxcMQLHY1Hd-_I_tGLkPRFYBl_X8OqRvKFGmP8/copy
I am using it as a digital resource. I like the checklist feature on google sheets. (Yes you can check off what you have complete by clicking the box). I have also included a printable PDF as well! Whichever option you choose, I’ve got you covered!
Remember to shop local this year! Shopping in a local business district means less infrastructure, less maintenance, and more money available to beautify your community. Also, spending locally instead of online ensures that your sales taxes are reinvested where they belong— in your community!