The First of Many--it’s Decorating Time!

The First of Many--it’s Decorating Time!

So, it’s all gone now, you’re last backyard tanning session left you with sweet memories of the summer and a brisk reminder of the changing seasons, you’re vegetable garden has sputtered out a few last crops just to humor you, and you’ve had your last early morning dip in the icy waters of the bay: summer has left us for a while.  Not to worry!  She’ll be back next year, but until then, you’ve got tons of opportunities to decorate, rearrange, and explore all of the wonderful opportunities offered by our Cape Cod community during these chillier months.  If there’s one thing New Englanders are known for, it certainly isn’t a lack of spirit.  From our championship-winning sports teams to our demonstrated local fervor, New Englanders are never ones to let an opportunity to celebrate go by!  Our intensity extends beyond sports, however, and with a whole slew of holidays coming up fast, it’s time to dust off the faux leaves and skeletons.  

Halloween is your first chance to add zest to your local community.  Are the only cobwebs in your house, not your choosing?  Are you seriously lacking in zombie limbs or cursed crypts?  Not to worry!  If you’re looking to spice up (pun intended) your fall display, look no further than your local nursery or even grocery store provider.  Tons of stores around the Cape are looking to supply you with the things you need, and that includes decorations!  Pumpkins are a great place to start if you’re looking to build a fall display.  Whether you like plump, scrunched, lean, or curved, pumpkins provide you with the versatility to give even the most ambitious decorator limitless opportunities for design.  If you want a little more flair to your display, consider calling a friend or family member, select their weapon of choice, and go to town carving the most elaborate jack o’ lantern of the year!  Buying pumpkins and other fall decorations like straw bales, corn stalks, and Indian corn are also fantastic ways to support local businesses, as nurseries like Tobey Farm and Cape Abilities have so much to offer and are integral parts of the community!  Happy decorating!

COVID-19 Notice: Please follow all safety precautions when shopping at any stores, businesses, or vendors.  Masks are required even if shopping areas are outside.  Try to always maintain at least a six-foot distance from other shoppers.

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